Saturday, February 16, 2008

I Survived...Barely

Another Valentine's Day has come and gone...yea!!!!!!!!!! This year was no was still very stressful and frustrating, but we made it. We had a few hang ups, such as on Tuesday afternoon, the car rental company that we were going to rent two vans from called and said they had no vehicles to rent us. So, after a few moments of panic and freaking-out, we were able to find some vehicles to use. Then, on the very day of Valentine's, one of our extra drivers quit in the middle of a delivery run (we put two people in a van, one to drive and one to "hop"); he asked his partner to pull over and let him out because it was just "too stressful." Wow. And yes, we did have some guys show up after we had locked the doors begging us for flowers. It happens every year.

I said I survived (barely) because now I seem to be getting sick! My throat is all cruddy. I guess my body just let me be well enough to get me through V-Day. Oh, and if you were wondering what Claire did during all this chaos, I will ease your mind. She stayed with some very good friends of ours and had a nice relaxing time.

Other news:
Claire's first tooth still has not poked through. What's up with that?
Will is doing well in his new school.
Scott is knee-deep in papers and such for school.
Because we have been ultra-busy, sick, and way too tired, our Christmas tree (naked, mind you) is still standing in our front room. We are going to try to get it down TODAY.
Thanks for your prayers and thoughts for me while I was in the melee of Valentine's. I appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

I wondered how your day was. As I watched all the flowers, balloons, and stuffed animals arrive at office at school, I said a little prayer for your sanity!
Love, Jen

Happy Mama said...

Ah, I remeber those days- I worked at a flower shop all through college and those were crazy times-there was always that guy who would come in at 7:00pm and pay $100.00 for the ugliest dead arrangement of flowers b/c it was all we had left. Boy- bet he got husband of the year! Get well soon girly! :)

Katherine said...

I am glad you survived, and I hope you are all well for a long time soon!! I know how frustrating it can be!

I heard you were at Follies, but I did not get to see you :(

Hope you get your Christmas tree down soon! Love you!! :)