Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sickness, Seniors & Storms

Sorry it's been so long, my friends! It's been an interesting week. Our family was stricken with some type of bronchial/sinus infection and all three of us are on anti-biotics. Mine started way back when I was in Houston and kept coming and going, but my body finally decided this weekend that it had gotten the best of me and put me down for a while. I was feeling quite miserable. On top of that, I had some massive back pain on Friday that was just compounded every time I coughed. It hurt so bad all day without letting up that it got me scared enough to call Labor and Delivery and see if I needed to come in and be monitored. They "said" (not really) to go ahead and come in so they could check it out. So, we spent about 2 hours in the hospital on Friday night and everything was completely normal. They chalked it up to round ligament pain. I was still hurting on Saturday, but I could actually get up and walk around, so it was better. (Sorry, Mom, if you're reading this now and freaking out, but we didn't want to call you on Friday night and scare you and I was feeling so bad the few days afterwards that I never got around to calling. You can scold me later.) Anyway, Will ended up spending the night with his surrogate grandparents on Friday night and we picked him up at around 11:00 on Saturday morning. I'm sure he would have stayed there and played all day (they live a few miles out of town in a more "rural"-type housing division, so there's lots of room to run around, and of course, they have fun things like "tractors," four-wheelers, and golf-carts to play on), but we made him come home and take a nap :)

On Sunday, our congregation honored the graduating seniors by giving them a Bible and having a potluck in their honor. I barely made it through that and got home in time to crash. Thankfully, it was also a 5th Sunday, so we didn't go back for evening services (on 5th Sundays, they have worship, lunch, and worship again right after). On Monday, I was still feeling much too ill to go into work. In fact, I still felt pretty horrible on Tuesday, but went ahead and went because I felt bad for being gone two days already. Thankfully, there was a huge stack of statements to stuff, seal and stamp, so I basically got to sit and do that the whole time. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon and had to drink the oh-so-yummy orange-flavored glucose drink. I was sort of thankful I was so congested because I couldn't really taste it! I had my regular nurse this time so I asked her if we could take another little peek at the baby to reassure me that it's a girl and not a boy. I felt bad that Scott wasn't there with me to see her (it's pretty much definitely a girl, by the way!!), but we took such a quick little look that he didn't miss too much. We basically just wanted to check those specific parts and that was it. She did get a little face shot (not great) that I'll post. I won't embarrass my daughter by putting her woo-hoo on the Internet for all to see, but believe me, I'm not worried anymore that she'll come out a boy :)

Her face is on the left, eyes looking at the "camera," her tummy is on the right.

While at the doctor, I asked him what else I could take to clear my head and he suggested gaufinisen (sp?) which is the real name for Mucinex, and between drinking the orange stuff and getting my blood drawn, I went and picked some up. It has helped tremendously! I felt so much better last night and today that I actually got my house picked up and laundry done! My house doesn't look as much like a disaster area as it did--yea!

Today, we had a big storm come through town. It looked really nasty outside. There were reports that we might get some bad hail, but it never really hailed here except for a bit of pea-sized stuff. Odessa got slammed pretty badly, though. Thankfully, we were just doused. Unfortunately, however, that meant that for the second week in a row, I missed out on Girls' Lunch Out with Harmony and Abby. I was disappointed, because I feel like I haven't seen either of them in a long time. Harmony has been super-busy with tax season and Abby has been to Lubbock a lot. So, I need to see my girls sometime soon (hint, hint!).

This weekend is Harmony's baby shower and next week my in-laws are coming to town because Will is turning TWO!!! I cannot believe that my baby will be two years old in almost seven days! Where does the time go? Enough rambling for tonight. I'm sure I will have something much more interesting next week :) Have a good one!


Marta said...

Praying you're all feeling better soon! With both of my pregnancies I was completely congested the whole time! I'm glad you've found something that seems to alleviate that some! How fun to have another ultrasound! I just love those! Hoping you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

OMG... I am SO freaking out!! We have talked twice today and you never mentioned the "little" hospital visit Friday night... so I just read your blog and my heart is still racing. Is the back pain similiar to what you had with the kidney stone?