Thursday, October 23, 2008

Driving Lesson

Today the kids were playing outside and didn't realize I was watching them. They were both sitting in the little Cozy Coupe car and I heard Will saying to Claire, "this is how you drive." It was so cute! I tried to sneak up on them to take a picture but that didn't work so well...but you get the idea!

Showing her the proper "10 and 2" hand positions (as he likes to remind us all the time, "drive with both hands!")
These are a little blurry, but they were just so cute of Claire hamming it up for the camera.


Terri said...

what an "awwww" moment, so sweet that they can have fun playing together..... and he can be the older, wiser brother :)

Anonymous said...

how cute!

Cheri said...

My girls are learning to "play" together and it's so sweet! There are some rough times ahead for both of them as they learn this skill. But I'm so glad that they have each other to play with. It's so neat!

Thailand Tracey said...

What a blessing for them to have each other. Thanks for sharing :) You truly are an inspiration to me as you're a working mom with 2 young children, yet you still find time to blog. I must try to do better!