Sunday, October 05, 2008

Lil' Ladybug

I was unsuccessful in finding a ladybug costume I liked or could afford for Claire. So I decided, why not make one? My extremely talented friend, Jen, was with me this weekend and we thought it couldn't be that hard. We set out to Wal-Mart to get a simple pattern and some material. However, as I was walking into Wal-Mart, I remembered something. Ours was remodeled this summer and they did away with the fabric department. The whole fabric department. You can't get anything. So, we decided we wouldn't give up hope yet...I had seen a red fleece blanket for $4. And they do have those little swatches of felt, so we got some of those in black. We made this costume in a couple of hours last night without a pattern. I'm so proud of us!
*By the way, in case you're, we don't have carpet in our den anymore. That's just the bare concrete floor. Our hope is to someday refinish it (stain or paint it), but for now we just wanted to get rid of that carpet. So that's what you're seeing in those pics up there :)*

In other news...homecomings are over and we are trying to return to normal at work. Claire is really starting to walk well. Claire woke up with hives all over her on Friday so she had a big shot of benedryl on Friday. She's still got some, but it's much better. Will is as silly as ever...he is in that fun stage of not wanting to take any more naps! Yea!

As for me, I am busy working on several projects, one being our church's Ladies' Day coming up in two weeks. I'm one of the people "in charge," so there's several things to be done between now and then. I don't think our life will ever slow down. I should change the title of this blog to Life and Laughter in the Fast Lane :)


Cheri said...

Way to go on the costume. You're such a good mom - I haven't even gotten to October yet, much less Halloween!!!!
Life never slows down I've decided. It just gets busier, and busier, and busier!!!

Harmony said...

Great costume! You're impressing me. :)

Anonymous said...

What a cute ladybug! As for the nap question...we had a little bit of trouble with that from Ally, but it wasn't bad. We put a TV/DVD in her room and every day she watches a movie and just rests. Branson sleeps longer than her movie lasts, but she knows now that she just has to play quietly in her room until Branson wakes up and she does great with it. I don't know what we'll do when Branson gets to that point. We've already had to put a locking door knob on backwards so we can lock him in his room at night and naptime so he will stay in there since he's not in the crib anymore. He's crazy! Good luck. :)

John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

Adorable! I'm toying with making a princess costume or a lady bug costume for Maren. I love your idea;) I may just have to copy it!

Katherine said...

Wow, how precious-you and Jen did a great job!! :) She looks SO adorable-what a beauty!

Hope life slows down some soon!

Marta said...

I LOVE that ladybug costume! I am so jealous! Good job!