"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." ~ Ephesians 2:10
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Morning
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Scott's Family's Visit
Will's Christmas Program & Party
We love the last picture of him. We asked to borrow the reindeer antlers so we could take his picture with them on and they let us. We told him to say cheese and this is what we came out with! As Scott said, "that's a blackmail picture!"
Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Five Months & Lights
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Hark, Hear the Bells...
The den tree--my traditional one. I also have one in that little corner. Yes, I am one of those people (You know, those that have a tree in almost every room). Sorry, I got it from my mom; but I really think she learned it from our old next door neighbor, Ruth Ann, so we'll blame her!
The front living room tree. It's my "elegant" one.
(Above & below: Some of Scott's fancy photography.)
In Pottery Barn's Christmas catalog they featured a family tree with framed photos on it. I thouhgt that was pretty neat, so I tried to copy!
And how could I forget...I took the kids to the parade last night. Below, Will is pointing at something...not sure what!
Claire Bear at her first parade
One of the many floats
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? I prefer wrapping paper at Christmas-time for some reason. Of course, if a gift is impossible to wrap and would go better in a bag...by all means, I use the bag.
2. Real tree or artificial? I love the way real trees smell (love walking by the tree lots!) but artificial is so much more practical for me.
3. When do you put up the tree? Anytime after Halloween is fair game for me. Since I have so much to do and two little rugrats, the sooner the better. They might be up and naked for a coupld of weeks before I can get to them!
4. When do you take the tree down? After New Year's
5. Do you like eggnog? Nope. Scott does, though.
6. What about fruit cake? Again, nope!
7. Favorite gift recieved as a child? One Christmas I got everything Barbie...the house, the car, clothes, and of course, several of the dolls. My poor aunt got the job of putting it all together and sticking all the stickers on. Thanks, Aunt Shirley. I still remember. What a great day!
8. Do you have a nativity scene? No
9. Hardest person to buy for? grandparents and in-laws; and Claire, because she's a baby and doesn't need anything!
10. Easiest person to buy for? Will (I want to get him so many things!)
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever recieved?
12. Mail or Email cards? I definitely prefer snail mail, but this year, I think the cards ain't happnin'. We just have too much going on. So maybe email would be a good alternative to nothing!
13. Favorite Christmas movie? I have so many...it's time to start watching! White Christmas, Home Alone, A Christmas Story, It's a Wonderful Life
14. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually around October or November...as soon as it occurs to me that I need to start!
15. Have you ever recycled a Christmas gift? Yes.
16. What is your favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Ham, my grandma's sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie, candied pecans, pecan pie, hot chocolate
17. Clear or colored lights on the tree? Clear!
18. Travel for Christmas or stay at home? I prefer to stay at home, but we end up traveling a lot to be with family.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, & Rudolph
20. Angel or star on top of the tree? Star
21. Favorite Christmas song? religious--O Holy Night; secular--Winter Wonderland
22. Open the presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Usually Christmas morning, but sometimes we open one on Christmas Eve.
23. What is the one gift you really want this year? An iPod stand alone player. I already got the digital camera I also really wanted.
24. What is the most annoying thing about this time of year? The crazy holiday shoppers. And things like going to Midland to get more ribbon from Hobby Lobby only to find out that Hobby Lobby is completely sold out of ribbon.
25. What I love most about Christmas? I love the joy and fun of it. I love the special, warm, fuzzy feelings that are so prevalent. I love giving gifts and seeing people open them. It's just a warm, cozy, wonderful, sweet time of year!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I've Been Tagged!
1. Name: Princess Consuela Bananahammock. Just kiddin'--Lauren :)
2. Birthday: May 27, 1979
3. Birthplace: Houston, Texas
4. Eye Color: green
5. Hair Color: light brown
6. Height: 5'7"
7. Ethnicity: Anglo
8. Weakness: purses, shoes, jewelry...the normal girly things
9. Most missed memory: childhood!
10. Thoughts first waking up: "Noooooooo!"
11. Last time you cried: I can't remember, but I'm sure it was ridiculous.
12. Song title that currently says how you feel: "I Can't Fight this Feeling Anymore"...I'm tired!
13. What is the perfect day for you: Spending the day with my family...either just relaxing or doing something fun and adventurous
14. Ever been asked for an autograph? Not that I can recall
15. How do you vent anger? I like to be alone with my anger.
16. Who do you talk to most on the phone? I'm not really a phone-talker, but my mom and friend Harmony both are, so they are really the only ones I talk to
17. As a kid, were you a lego builder? Oh yes, I loved the Legos. However I think they really belonged to Kendall.
18. Do you chew on your straws? Yep. It annoys Scott, too.
19. Do you sing in the shower? Depends on how awake I am and what's on the radio.
20. Who's the last person you stayed up late talking to on the phone to? My mom...she's the only one who calls me at night.
21. The last place you went to in a plane? Houston
22. Do you cry at weddings? Sometimes, if there is a super-sweet moment that really grabs me.
23. Are you afraid of the dark? Nah.
24. What are you addicted to? Lots of things...Diet Coke, my TV shows (Chuck, Heroes, The Office, 30 Rock), hugging and kissing my kiddos, Nestle Drumsticks
25. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter? creamy
26. Who do you fight with the most? I guess I would have to say Scott, just because he's the one person who is always around and knows me the best. Sometimes life just gets stressful and we take it out on each other because we are the people closest to one another. We don't really fight a lot, but when I do "fight," it's with him.
27. Who can you tell anything to? Scott; and pretty much all my best girlfriends--Jen, Chelsey, Harmony, Abby, Beth, Kara, and Carrie
28. Do you recycle? No, but I want to. I just recently found out that the Big Spring State Hospital has a recycling center. So, I need to find out more about that. And I bought one of those permanent Wal-Mart shopping bags.
29. Who makes you laugh the most? Hard to say, because I know so many funny people. But again, since Scott is the person I see the most, I'd have to say him. We have a lot of inside jokes. Also, Will. The kid is hilarious.
30. What is the worst feeling ever? Seeing your kids sick and knowing there's really nothing you can do about it. Also, worrying that you might come home to dog-sicles.
31. How many pillows do you sleep with? just one
32. How many rings before you answer your phone? I try to answer it as soon as I can, because it usually only rings when my kids are asleep.
33. How many times do you press the "snooze" button? As many times as I can get away with.
34. How do you sleep? Sporadically...ha! If this is referring to position, I try to start out on my back or sides but I wake up on my stomach a lot.
35. Last time you laughed: probably sometime today, but I just have a really bad memory.
36. Ever looked at someone ugly and said "EWWW"? No, I think my reaction is usually sympathetic in nature.3
7. What is your favorite color? Red, but I really love green, purple, brown and pink, too.
38. What is your favorite state? I'd have to say Texas for the people, but Colorado and Florida for vacations!
Now I get to tag...Chelsey, Terri (Mom), and Tracey!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Thanksgiving Holiday
My Grandma Thelma and Claire
Will, Grandma Thelma and Claire
Will and my dad playing "balls." I think Will is telling my dad what color and number are on the the ball.
Claire and Me
My Grandma Glenda and Claire (notice Claire's cowgirl boots!)
My Grandpa Roy and Claire
Four Generations
My mom brought a project for us to work on on Thanksgiving Day. Her church makes stockings for less fortunate children and fills them. So we had six stockings to make! It was great fun. In the picture you can see me, my grandma, my cousin Emily, and my aunt Gail.
Finished products. Mine is the one with the gingerbread boy and girl.
My great-aunt Ruth and Claire
Mom and Claire
Mom and Dad with Will at Chuck E. Cheese
Will and Scott racing
Dad and Claire
Will being silly at Cracker Barrel on the way home