"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." ~ Ephesians 2:10
Monday, September 25, 2006
Weekend Update
Will was better on Saturday morning, so we went ahead and went to a youth rally in Midland. I must confess that the reason I wanted to go to the youth rally wasn't really to do the youth rally type of thing, but to see one of my best friends, Kara. So, she and I skipped out and took all of our kids (she has two) to the mall and Target. We had a good time and the kids did really well. We wanted to get back to the rally in time to listen to Legacy (4 guys that used to be in Best Friends) perform. They said they would start at 3:00, but they really started at about 2:40. So we missed the first couple of songs. At four, Scott and I decided we needed to head home and put Will to bed since he refused to nap all day (none of our youth group kids were able to come, so it was just us).
When we got home, we tried to get Will to eat some dinner but he refused. He was so tired, we went ahead and put him in his pj's and put him down. We were pretty sure he would sleep all night. Scott and I ate dinner and watched some television and then started getting ready for bed. Scott mentioned that he wasn't feeling too well. In fact, he felt so bad that we decided it would be best if we slept in different beds. Right around midnight, he started puking. He kept it up all night long, poor guy. At 1:30, Will woke up and must have been starving because he wanted milk and just kept chugging it and chugging it. I tried to make him slow down, but he wouldn't. It came back up shortly after. It was a weird sensation...I've never had cold vomit on me before. Anyway, after a long night, we did not go to church yesterday morning. Scott was supposed to lead singing, so he had to find a replacement for that, for his class, and for another class whose substitute wasn't going to be able to make it either. Scott slept pretty much the entire day yesterday and he is feeling much better today. Will is still not eating as much as normal, but he seems to be better as well.
Today was my first time to go to "Right At Home," a Bible study and work-out program for stay at home moms. It was really fun. I think I am really going to enjoy the Bible study. The work-out pretty much kicked my booty today. I am horribly out of shape. All my muscles are mush. So, hopefully that will get better with time. Will's follow-up appointment (from his surgery) is this afternoon, so we'll be anxious to see what the doc has to say. Here's to a healthy and happy rest of the week!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Morning Mayhem
So, he got another bath and Scott came home to help me clean up all the puke. It was a very good thing I didn't go to the high school today! I no longer feel guilty for saying no.
So, how was your morning??
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Today I had to go to my "girlie" doctor. Is it weird that I enjoy going to see him? No, I wouldn't say that I enjoy the exams, but I do enjoy seeing my doctor. I have been seeing him for about 4 years, and he is the one who told me I was pregnant with Will and later delivered him. I consider him an old pal. We probably talked for 20 minutes just about our kids (he and his wife had triplets in March), all the while I was sitting there freezing my bo-heinie off in the flimsy paper gown. Anyway, it was a good visit. If we ever move away from here, he has to come with me :)
I am so glad that tomorrow and Friday will be "normal" days. I do not have to plan my clothes out tonight. I do not have to get up at 6:45. I do not have to sit for 6 hours in a freezing cold school building. Yea! Will and I are going to relax. Upcoming events this week are: a youth rally on Saturday in Midland, (hopefully) an interview with one of our ladies for the Ladies' Newsletter (I'm still looking for newsletter name ideas, by the way), a Bible study/work-out program at the First Baptist Church for stay-at-home-moms and a doctor appointment on Monday (Will's surgery follow-up), Bunko on Tuesday night (woo-hoo!), and next weekend, my mom is coming to visit to celebrate her birthday with us. Whew...sounds like a lot.
Well, I am off again...it's almost time for dinner and then church. I don't like begging, but give me some feedback, y'all. What do you think about the newsletter? Bunko? Substitute teaching? "Girlie" doctors? Anything...just let me know you're still there :) I'm still here!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Take Two
It is going to be a busy week for me. Yesterday kicked it off with me teaching the kindergarten and first grade Bible class at church. I had seven little girls in class, no boys. It was quite a hoot. I also had singing practice with our little Doo-Wop group after evening services. I got someone to sing my part with me (yea!!), so we went over the things we had practiced last week and worked on a new song. It's going pretty well, so far. I love singing and have really missed it since college when I would sing for at least an hour each day. Practicing things over and over can get a little old, but when you get it right and you sound so good, it makes one happy inside.
Today I am subbing at BSHS and I will be for the next two days as well. It's fairly easy and I get a little extra money for my troubles, so it's a good thing. I just didn't realize when I set up these jobs that I would be subbing for three consecutive days. Oh well, Thursday will be welcome when it gets here.
Last week was a good week. I didn't sub at all, so it was a "normal" week for Will and I. He went to CDO on Wednesday and I used the opportunity of his absence for getting some cleaning and laundry done. I also went out to eat with a couple of friends whose kids also go to CDO. I think we'll make it a regular thing. On Friday, Will and I went to Midland and had lots of fun shopping (well, okay, I did). He was so good for me. I am very blessed. Friday night, Scott and I gave Will over to one of his surrogate grandmothers and went out on the town. Woo hoo! We went to a little cafe downtown and after we ordered our after-dinner mochas and chais, we went back to our house to watch a movie we had received from Netflix. Real crazy, I know. But we still enjoyed not having to worry about Will for a while. He had a great time playing at their house, too.
So, what else can I share? Oh, yeah. I almost got killed three times on the way home for lunch today. That was lots of fun. One of my biggest pet peeves is when drivers do not take their proper turn at lights and stop signs! And it is very hard to drive in high heels! Okay, there's my gripe for the day.
I guess I had better go ahead and go back to the school. Class starts at 1:40 pm and it is now 1:05. I hope everyone has a blessed week...I do not know when I'll have an opportunity to post again. Check back soon :)
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Thursday Thirteen* - The Book List
1. Always on any book list of mine - Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, The Red Tent by Anita Diamant.
2. Most Read - I'm not really the type of person that goes back and reads books over and over because I don't have time. If I'm going to read, I'd rather read something I've never read before.
3. First book I read myself - The Berenstain Bears Go to School by Stan and Jan Berenstain.
4. Favorite Childhood book - I loved to read as a kid...this is a very hard question. I loved Judy Blume books, the Ramona books, The Secret Garden, The Borrowers, Babysitter's Club...I really can't pick just one.
5. Religious book - I don't read much non-fiction...it's hard for me to get into. But I have really enjoyed Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs, and And the Bride Wore White by Dannah Gresh. I have started Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller and am really liking it so far.
6. Favorite Series - Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. These books are very long (because the author is awesome at giving you lots of details!) but worth it. She weaves such a wonderful tale that you can't help but get caught up in it. I also love the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. She just amazes me with the things she comes up with. I am anxiously awaiting the seventh book.
7. Favorite Charles Dickens book - Umm, I would not say Dickens is a favorite author by any means. I had to read Great Expectations in school, and it was okay. So I guess I'll say that one.
8. Hardest to get into, but worth the trouble - Gone with the Wind. The beginning is sort of slow, but trust me, it is SO good...way better than the film (which is good too). I also read Seabiscuit by Laura Hilldebrand becuase I got it free with the movie. I don't normally like non-fiction but this was different. It was hard for me to get over that "anti-non-fiction" thing of mine.
9. Worst book - I have a list of those that I had to read for school. I would say The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck for sure, and The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
10. Makes me cry - The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albloom, Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson.
11. Totally can't relate to, but love - We Were the Mulvaneys by Joyce Carol Oates (cry story as well).
12. Favorite Newbery Award - I had to look up which books had won the Newbery Award. My favorite of the list I saw was definitely Holes, by Louis Sachar. That is a great book (and since it's for kids, it can be read in just a few hours!).
13. Best surprise of the year - I really haven't been able to read much this year besides Drums of Autumn and The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon (Outlander series) because they are so long. But I did read The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis and really enjoyed it.
14. Current reading - And the Bride Wore White by Dannah Gresh; Blue Like Jazz, The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis, and The Patriarchs (Bible study) by Beth Moore
15. Not yet checked off, on the 2006 reading list - A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon, Vince Flynn's newest book in the Mitch Rapp series, the rest of the Narnia books, The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks and a whole bunch of John Grisham books I got for really cheap at a used book store!
*I just realized that this is 15 and not 13. Whatever...I copied it from someone else, so oh well! But, you get the gist...
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Outta Whack
All week I was having some bad back pain in my lower left side. By Wednesday night, I was wincing every few seconds. I couldn't sit, stand, walk, lie down...anything without discomfort. So on Thursday morning, I called the chiropractor. We just had a chiropractor place membership with our church, so I went to him. When I called, they said to come right over, as soon as I could get there. So, I hurriedly got dressed, put on a touch of mascara, grabbed all our gear, and dropped Will off with Scott to get over there. Since it was my first visit to him, I had to fill out lots of paperwork and he did an exam/consultation thingy. Evidently I had more than one reason to be in so much pain. My back was pretty whacked out. I was there for an hour and a half after the exam and adjustment! And I was looking like death warmed over...I really can't even describe it to you without grossing myself out. So, I went to the church to pick up Will from Scott. At this point it was 12:30 and I knew Scott had made plans to eat with one of our youth group kids who is now in college. Of course, he was at the church with one of his friends. I was mortified. They proceed to tell me that we are going to one of the most popular restaurants in town for lunch! Ah! I was a good sport and went. I ended up seeing at least three other people that I know there, too. I wanted to crawl in a hole and never come out.
Other events of late: Harmony and I are in a little singing group for our church's ladies day. We are singing some Doo-Wop songs (it is a fifties theme; they are even having an Elvis impersonater come!). The last time we did this, we just sang hymns, and we were singing the same part. Well, this time, she is singing Soprano I, and I am singing Alto II! Quite a difference. So we've been practicing together a bit this week and it has been interesting. Not bad, just interesting! I'm highly anticipating tomorrow when we get together with the other ladies and see how we all sound together. Most of my parts are just "do do ba do" and "boom boom ba boom." Yea for bass!
Yesterday, Will and I went to the park for the first time with another mom and kid. We met Abby and Malakai and had a good time swinging, sliding, running around, and for Abby and I--chatting. We realized again what a small world we live in when Abby told me that some of her family's life long friends that live in Katy were some of my family's good friends too! I am continually amazed at all the connections I seem to have with so many people. After our park adventure, I came home and cooked dinner. I also made chocolate chip cookies. Those of you who are very close to me know what I did to my last batch of chocolate chip cookies (no, I will not elaborate, but they were still edible...and yummy!). These turned out slightly better except that I got distracted and burnt one sheet-full. Argh! This morning I made cinnamon rolls. I was very careful to set the timer and put it closer to our bedrooms so I would hear it when it went off. What one must do, however, when baking, is make sure one puts the oven at the right temperature. Twenty minutes at 375 degrees is very different from twenty minutes at 425 degrees. To make the morning worse, we had no Diet Coke in the refrigerator and we had not brewed coffee. Blast!
The reason I really wanted cinnamon rolls and coffee (or possibly a Diet Coke) this morning is because Scott, Will and I went to Abilene for ACU's computer auction (our home computer died; the computer I'm working on is Scott's from work). However, when we got there to really look at what they had, we decided that they didn't really have what we wanted. So we went to the mall and bought each of us a new pair shoes (see Prather Place for Will's story). The guys got tennis shoes and I got some black dress shoes. Yippee. We had to be home by five so Scott could be up at the church by six for a youth event. It has been a good day. I think I will end it by finishing a book I have been reading all summer (hey folks, it's 1443 pages long!). I read all the way home from Abilene and it is very exciting. If you like historical fiction/romance/time-travel/action, etc., etc., start reading Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. They're hefty books, but worth it.
The next time something interesting happens, I will let you know!! 'Til then, God bless :)
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Blast! One of our gluten-free blueberry muffins imploded!!
This is what Amarillo looked like the entire weekend! It was COLD (well, okay, it was cold for people who are used to 90 degree weather)!
Single funniest moment of the whole weekend. Jen brought a cot to sleep on (Chelsey has a tiny--but wonderful!--economy apartment). We decided to take a nap on Sunday afternoon and as soon as Jen got all cozy in her blankets, one leg of the cot buckled and she fell to the floor. I can't even describe it to you without cracking up. So here she is in the traitorous cot.
Random book about Buddism that Jen has had in her car for 2 years. Notice it is a library book. Hmm...wonder how much the fine on that one is?