106. I am addicted to Bath & Body Works "flavors" (yes, that's really what they call them...remember, I used to work there!) :)
107. My current favorites are Coconut Lime Verbena (probably my all-time favorite), Black Raspberry Vanilla, and Wild Honeysuckle.
108. The first flavor I ever got was Flowering Herbs, which you can only get at certain times when they re-issue "classic" scents.
109. My new favorite perfume is Pure Turquoise by Ralph Lauren.
110. I always like buying things by Ralph Lauren because my name is on there somewhere.
111. Since I had Claire, I hardly wear perfume, though, because I don't want it to aggravate her senses.
112. I have always loved the name Claire, ever since I was in high school.
112b. Claire is also the name of one of my favorite book characters, but I didn't name my daughter after her.
113. Elise (Claire's middle name) has always been a favorite also. My mom told me once that she thought of using it as my own middle name.
114. William is a family name, mainly on Scott's side, but I also had a great-great grandfather with that name.
115. Will was born on his great-great grandfather's birthday (my grandma's dad).
116. Claire was almost born on 07-07-07, but missed it by 10 hours.
117. I am a major list-maker and love to cross things off the lists.
118. Sometimes I feel like I can't function or accomplish things if I do not have a list.
119. When I was little I would write stories all the time and wanted to grow up to be an author.
120. I also had a natural gift for artwork, but I feel that I have lost that ability over the years because I hardly ever practice that skill.
121. I still enjoy doing artwork, but feel I never have the time and space to be able to really do it.
122. I took private art lessons for a couple of years and really enjoyed it.
123. I took only one art class in high school and really liked it, too.
124. However, I couldn't do art every year in high school because of drill team (it counted as a fine art).
125. One of the best things about being in drill team was that I didn't have to take P.E. in high school; it counted as an "athletics" period.
126. My first concert (besides the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo concerts) was Reba McEntire.
127. I remember that she changed costumes 18 times.
128. My first CD was also by Reba.
129. My favorite Disney princess is Aurora/Brier Rose/Sleeping Beauty.
130. I know just about all the words to all the songs in The Little Mermaid.
131. One movie of Will's that I've seen about a hundred times and am still not tired of is The Incredibles.
132. My favorite movie of all time is the 1960's version of The Parent Trap with Haley Mills.
133. When I was younger, I wasn't ever allowed to wear shorts to church.
134. And I definitely wasn't allowed to watch an R-rated movie until I was seventeen.
135. My dad wouldn't let me play with Barbies until I was seven.
136. My first secular music cassette tape was Tiffany.
137. I thought Tiffany was cooler than Debbie Gibson.
138. I wore Electric Youth perfume in junior high.
139. My favorite singer for a long time was Mariah Carey.
140. When I was little, I was swimming in Lake Livingston with my mom and we were chased by a water moccasin. Somehow, she swam away from it fast enough and neither of us were bit.
141. I have worn glasses since I was seven years old (the second grade).
142. My second grade teacher was very mean and stopped letting me sit on the floor in the front of the classroom (my desk was in the back) so I could read what was on the overhead.
143. She scared me so much that I was afraid to ask her to go to the bathroom in the middle of a spelling test and peed my pants.
144. Thankfully it was at the end of the day, so not many people knew about it.
145. When I was in high school I got sent to the principal's office for violating the dress code--my tunic shirt wasn't long enough over my leggings.
146. I thought my mom was in school that day so I didn't call her to have her bring me other clothes and I had to spend the rest of the day in ISS.
147. She ended up being at home all day that day. I was pretty upset when I got home!
148. I was a student choreographer for the drill team training class my senior year.
149. I was also an attendance office aide during first period my senior year and I was was tardy almost every day. Ironic that I worked for the attendance office, yet, didn't get in trouble for being tardy. Hmm...
150. My first car was given to me by my mom's best friend. It was 10 years old when I got it and I had to learn how to drive a standard in order to drive it.
151. We sold the car shortly after we moved to Big Spring and I still see it driving around town sometimes. It was a good car.
152. I was so nervous the first time I drove that car to school by myself that I made my mom drive behind me the whole way.
153. I tried to teach a friend of mine how to drive a stick-shift and she ended up stepping on the gas instead of the break/clutch and ran through a chained off area of a parking lot and it broke my windshield.
154. I drove around with that broken windshield for about three years or so.
155. Scott and I have only bought one car in our married life; the rest were given to us.
156. I have never owned a brand new car and probably won't any time soon.
157. I currently would like to own a mini-van.
158. I both hate and love mini-vans.
159. My favorite one I've seen so far is the Toyota Sienna.
160. I'm currently waiting for someone to give us a mini-van (hint, hint).
161. The last movie I watched was One Night with the King.
162. Esther is one of my favorite Bible characters.
163. For a long time I wouldn't wear polo-shirts because my boss told me she thought they looked manly (she wasn't talking about me--just a blanket statement).
164. I enjoy wearing green because I think it brings out the green in my eyes.
165. I love jewelry, but I wear the same few pieces almost daily.
166. I have an iPod but I hardly ever use it.
167. People always ask me if I play the piano because I have long fingers, but I don't.
168. I took lessons for about a year and a half in junior high.
169. I wish I hadn't stopped.
170. I don't know how to play any instruments.
171. I can't stand to sleep with socks on my feet, much unlike my mother!
172. One of the sure-fire signs that indicate I am pregnant is nose-bleeds.
173. I never had a nose-bleed until after I was married.
174. I love to decorate for Christmas and often want to start around this time of year!
175. I have two full size Christmas trees; one for each of my living rooms.
176. When I was little, I would switch which end of the bed I put my head on so I could look down the hall and see the Christmas tree while I fell asleep.
177. I have thought about going back to school and getting my masters in Organizational Management through LCU.
178. I once had my belly button pierced.
179. I probably wouldn't do it, but if I was ever going to get another piercing I would get a tiny sparkly stud in my nose.
180. However, I think my nose is big enough not to draw any more attention to it than it already attracts!
181. One of my very favorite songs is Smooth by Rob Thomas and Santana and I don't have it on my playlist.
182. I also don't know all of the words to it.
183. Another one of my favorite songs is Counting Blue Cars by Dishwalla and I don't even know what it's about.
184. I am really bad at math and one of the ways I got to know Scott and get him to fall in love with me (wink, wink!) was getting help from him for college algebra.
185. I always said one of the requirements for the man I married would be that he would have to be good at math so he could help our kids with their homework.
186. I gave birth to both my kids "naturally."
187. I had epidurals with both also.
188. I gave birth to both kids in the same hospital room and had the same doctor deliver them.
189. I nursed Will until he was one year old.
190. This morning I hit our neighbor's gas meter with my car.
191. I could hear the gas hissing out and smell it immediately.
192. I got Claire out of the car and ran into the house while calling Scott on the cell phone.
193. The fire department came and shut the gas off. Nothing blew up.
194. We had not met our neighbors until today (they moved in at the same time Claire was born)...what a great way to meet them.
195. I broke the gas line that goes to their house, so now they have no hot water.
196. The reason I hit the meter is that my car was not parked in its normal spot and I didn't even know the meter was there.
197. I was already late to work and it made me an hour later.
198. I wore a top to work today that is really supposed to be a pajama top.
199. I don't think it looks like a pajama top.
200. It is almost impossible for me to go to bed before midnight!!
I'm surprised it took you this long to hit that gas line. I'm always afraid of doing that when I've had to go down your alley. Glad all was well.
You go girl! I love reading these. I haven't finished yours yet, but so far I would say I totally relate with the mini-van stuff. I totally agree. I love/hate them too, but oh how they have made my life easier!!!! I hope you get one!
I love these - I may have to copy! So many congrats on Claire! It took us awhile to change ISP providers so I'm way out of the loop - okay gotta search your site - what is this kickin' song playing???
Two .. no three comments.
1. I love these too and wish I could get my girls to do it. I think it would be really interesting to read. It's too hard to get them to blog as it is!
2. I laughed out loud when I read number 173. Yeah, go look. You'll get it!
3. I, too, want to figure out how to add music to my blog.
What's fun is the stuff I know and remember about the young Lauren vs. the stuff I'm learning about the adult Lauren. Love it all!
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