Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Sad Day

It is always quite a shock when you get a call and find out that one of your family members has passed away. Today, I got one of those calls. Scott's second oldest brother, Bryan, has passed away. He was 39. Bryan had had diabetes Type I since he was two years old, so we believe that it was complications due to the disease, although we do not know for sure. Since the death was unattended, an autopsy will be performed. We do not yet know when or where services will be held. I am asking that you please keep Scott and his family, especially his mother, LaDon, and Bryan's daughter, Rebecca, in your prayers during this time. A lot of questions are unanswered, and I know many people are going to feel guilty about the circumstances surrounding this death, even though no one is to blame. The picture of Bryan above was taken this past October. He is with one of his loves--motorcycles. We will miss him.


Larissa said...

Lauren I am sorry that this has happened. Please know you are all in our prayers!

Marta said...

I am so sorry. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Katherine said...

I am sorry to hear about Bryan-you will all be in my prayers!! Love you! Blessings~

Robyn said...

I'm praying too! I'm so sorry for the loss in your family.

Robby and Lynsey said...

I am also sorry for your family's loss ... that is just so sad. You all are in our prayers as well.

John, Kisti, Maren & Silas Felps said...

I am so sorry to hear what has happend. I echo all the other comments...we are holding you in our thoughts and prayers.