Thursday, January 03, 2008


Yea, we are well again! Hopefully for a long time, too. That was the sickest I had been in quite some time. Now that we are well, we have the wonderful tasks of finding our house again under all the clutter and then taking down Christmas decorations. That's always such a bummer. I enjoy having them up so much! Oh well, we got to enjoy them a little longer this year since we were sick :) We also have to get used to "normal" life again...going to work, school for Will, church, etc. Last night we all went to church and it was so nice just to get out of the house!

Other fun updates: as Claire approaches her 6 month birthday, she can successfully roll over and is very close to being able to sit on her own. She can sit on her own for several seconds, but she still falls over a little too much to "leave" her. I'm looking forward to her sitting up really well by herself so I can bathe the kids together, etc. Also, she is eating food really well and isn't nearly as messy as she once was :) I can actually leave her clothes on her while she eats now.

Will is just doing great, making us laugh all the time. He is enjoying his Christmas gifts...especially his cars, boots, tent, and Little Einsteins DVD. We have watched that DVD countless times. At least it's educational!

I suppose I'd better get busy on the housework now. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers sent our way! We appreciate them!


Happy Mama said...

Hey! Glad you are feeling better! Poor thing- it is hard when you are both down at once! Your sweet family is so precious! I can't believe how big Will is- it has been too long! I need to give that Claire a squeeze! I have her something in the mail- see I accomplished my first 2008 goal! Woo-hoo!

Cheri said...

So sorry that everyone has been down. I was sick most of the week before Christmas. Jake was great to let me go to bed early every night, but that stuff hung on forever. I still have a little bit of cough left, but definatly better than I was.
Here's to a healthier 2008!!!

Kelly said...

Thanks for your note Lauren. We are super excited, and I am especially happy that tomorrow is my last day for a while. Yippee!