Friday, March 24, 2006


Well, in an effort to stay current and relate to our youth group kids, I've relented and signed up on MySpace. Let me say now that I'm not a huge fan of MySpace because I think it is too hyped up and hard to read because people add way too much stuff to their pages. I much prefer blogs like this one that seem a lot more personal. Having said that...whoa! I was on MySpace last night for (yes, I'm admitting this) hours finding all sorts of people! I found lots of high school classmates and relatives, school kids, youth group kids, college was just WEIRD! Getting just a tiny glimpse of what some of my old high school "friends" are up to now was sometimes encouraging, but mostly discouraging. It made me very thankful for the life I have with my husband and son. It may seem boring and humble to my old classmates, but I couldn't be happier with it! I am so blessed to have the people in my life that I do--people who love me and encourage me daily!

So, if you want to check me out on MySpace, be my guest!


Larissa said...

I totally know what you mean. I joined my space for the same reason. I didn't do anything to it, it's just so I can log on. Well you know how it is, you look up one person and it leads to another and another...and I feel the same way about my life. I wouldn't trade it for anything, even on days when I am exhausted and tired of talking to small's all worth it. That was such a lonely life! BTW, I'm still trying to post a pic of Frank, but I'm still having trouble. But I will keep trying!

Neena said...

I have a myspace log on, but nothing is on my page. I got on it too just to look at youth group kids pages and others so I am not really into it either.